Thursday, December 31, 2009

Get Through It

Noah got through a cataclysmic flood. All who entered the ark came out alive at the other end of that cataclysmic event. They entered the ark and "the Lord shut them in." Noah and family did not get through it unscathed. Think of the years of ridicule he went through while building the ark. Think of all the friends and family that Noah and his family lost due to the flood. Think of the devastation of the land after the waters departed. They had to start all over again.

Today we are going through what seems like cataclysmic times, floods, earthquakes, crime, unemployment ,recession, depression etc. etc. etc. Let God help you get through it. Let God help you endure. Let God help you start all over again. Let God share in your burdens. Go to Christ. Start that relationship with him on a daily basis. Pray, read and meditate on the scriptures and he will speak.

"These are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood. In other words, life continues, they got through it, and so shall we.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mary's Response To The Angel Gabriel

"Behold I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.
Luke 1:38

Mary realized what this birth meant for her. How would Joseph respond? She knew there would always be whispers about her fidelity among the community. She has been told that she was favored among women but the blessing from God would bring hurt and pain along with it. She does not pray to change God's mind but accepts His plans. What a great example for us. It has been said that "Jesus Christ came not to make life easy, but to make men great." Mary had great courage and strength and a submissive attitude toward God. God chose well. May you and I develop these same qualities so we too may be used and blessed.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Joseph, Christmas Thoughts

Life just never worked out the way Joseph had planned. I'm sure he imagined how wonderful marriage to Mary would be. The pain and disappointment he felt when Mary told him she was pregnant must have been great. Before he was told in a dream that the situation was from God, he showed great love toward Mary. He wanted to quietly take her away, to save her from disgrace. The marriage was not working out the way he had planned but God was in it.

How did he feel when arriving in Bethlehem, after a long and exhausting trip, to find there was no place for them at an inn? Why was not Joeseph's parents there? Did they abandon him? He could not find suitable accommodations for his wife, who was so close to giving birth. How did he feel when the child he would raise, was born in a stable with the livestock? Did he feel like a failure, an insufficient provider? This was not as he had imagined, but God was in it.

I wonder if Joseph liked living in Egypt? In one instance he had plans of returning to Nazareth with his expanded family. He probably was looking forward to the joy of being reunited with friends and loved ones. Introducing them to the new arrival. In the next instance the family are fleeing for their lives to Egypt. Egypt instead of Nazareth, but God was in it.

Sometimes life doesn't seem to be working out. Maybe, just maybe, God is in it.

Monday, December 07, 2009

The Shepherds

Jesus says “I am the Good Shepherd.” John 10: 11. I have found that shepherds in Jesus time were looked down upon. They were continually in the field with their sheep and could not keep the rules of the orthodox, hand washing, ceremonial cleansing and stated hours of prayer. I have heard them called the homeless of their day. They did the hardest most time consuming work for the smallest of pay. Society did not think much of them but yet scripture, Old and New, is full of their example. I find comfort that Jesus identifies himself with the most humble of people. The shepherds may not have been able to keep the rules of the orthodox, but they spent their time with a strong awareness of God. Whenever they slept under the stars and were caught in the elements of nature, they, more than others were aware of God’s presence. I am reminded of the story of Christ birth. When God announced the birth of his son he did not announce it to the wealthy or the powerful. He did not announce it to Caesar. He did not announce it to Herod. He did not announce it the orthodox, Scribes and Pharisees. He did not announce it to the wise. The Magi had to study, search, and seek, but God split the skies open with angels who said to the humble shepherds, He’s over there! Be last of all. Be servant of all. Sit in the last chair

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Chrstmas Wise Men

It amazes me that men not from Israel but from Persia(Iran) , made their way to Bethlehem to see the child Jesus. In their country they were men of wealth and influence. They were the priest of their region of the world. God gave these men a way to the truth through their own religion. These astrologers were given light by the grace of God. They proved how hungry for God they were by traveling all that way on camel and donkey. It was no easy trip and was extremely dangerous.Compare them to the scribes and Chief Priest of Israel who in Jerusalem, informed the Magi and Herod that the Anointed One would be born in Bethlehem a scant four miles away. Why did not the religious leaders of Israel who had been given and knew the ordinances and prophecies of the one true God go with the Magi? Their reaction was one of complete indifference. They were so busy in their Temple duties and religious obligations that Jesus meant nothing to them. He was completely disregarded. I believe that in the United States that we react like the scribes. There is a church on every corner, a Bible in every home and hotel room, and most of us know something about Jesus, his birth, death and resurrection, but we are indifferent to it all. Too busy.May we be like the Magi who hungered and thirst for the truth of God. May we also be willing to go through any hardship to find Him. May we cease to be indifferent when God has blessed us with so much. May we lay down at the feet of Jesus in worship and adoration. May we bring Him the very best gift we have, ourselves.