Monday, June 05, 2006


“Forgive seventy times seven.” Matthew 18: 22. There are many times in scripture that what I read disturbs me. When I first read, Jesus wants me to forgive others infinitely, continually and completely, I think to myself, I can’t do it. This is impossible! Then I remember that Jesus doesn’t tell us to do anything that he doesn’t do himself. The greatest danger to my fellowship with Christ is when I sin and must ask him to forgive me for something I have asked forgiveness for time and time again. When this occurs I am so ashamed. Thoughts come to me that he will not forgive, that there is a limit. He is so holy. He is righteous. He is perfect. He also is love and he is merciful. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sin and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1: 9.
Another danger is if I do not forgive. After Jesus tells Peter to forgive seventy times seven he tells the parable about the unmerciful servant. The servant after being forgiven a large sum of money by his master did not forgive a small amount that was owed to him. The master finds out and “in anger turned him over to the jailers to be tortured.” Matthew 18: 34. I have been in that prison, the prison of anger, bitterness and resentment. There is no happiness or joy in that place. Jesus paid a heavy price so that we may be forgiven. He “being the very nature of God”, “made himself nothing, and taking the very nature of a servant.” “He humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross!” Philippians 2: 6, 7, 8. Torture. To not forgive shows us as insincere and ungrateful for what He did.


jonnio8 said...

hey uncle gary, this is jon. just wanted to say hey, and to be honest this post here is just what i needed rite now. thanks. i might be coming to norman this weekend so ill prolly see ya.

Anonymous said...

This is very well put. It is hard sometimes to forgive. Thanks for writing it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the interuption in comments. It is amazing what Jesus actually had to go through. Just so we may live. God is amazing.

Karuna said...

Thank you Gary for such a wonderful post.

Laymond said...

great insights and reflection