Monday, July 03, 2006


“A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, give me a drink” John 4:7. So begins the conversation between the woman at the well and Jesus. This conversation is so much different than the conversation Jesus had with another non- Jewish woman in Matthew 15. (See last weeks post, Slain.) The difference is one of faith. The Canaanite woman of Matthew had strong faith in Jesus, even after being treated rudely by him and his disciples. The Samaritan woman doesn’t know who Jesus is. She has no faith in him. Jesus speaks to her first. Jesus pursues her. He wants her to know him. He wants her, as he does all of us, to put her faith and trust in him. Jesus will meet us where we are. The Canaanite woman’s large faith was exercised and shown to us by being greatly tested. She was ignored and ridiculed. The Samaritan woman who had no faith was pursued. Jesus knows how to treat each individual. One size does not fit all. He knows each of our needs and acts accordingly.
The one thing that the Samaritan woman believed about the Messiah was that he would know all things. “I know the Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.” John 4: 25. Jesus through his love and mercy for her provided this. Jesus brings her to faith by telling her about herself. “You have well said I have no husband, for you have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband.” John 4: 18. Jesus told her this before she told him that she expected the Messiah to know all things. She tries to change the conversation to one about differences in theology. Jesus patiently answers her question but returns the conversation back to knowing God. At the end of this conversation Jesus plainly and directly tells her “I who speak to you am He.” John 4: 26.
Sometimes I can say God is Love without really thinking about what that really means. The Sovereign Creator loves us so much that he will pursue us. He comes after us. He speaks first. He tells us about ourselves. He‘s patient with us. He wants our love as much as we need Him. And that’s truly an amazing thought.

There will be more about the woman at the well and her conversation with Jesus in upcoming post.


Anonymous said...

It is truely amazing on how much God does love us. Can't waite for your next post. HAve a good 4th of July.

Laymond said...

Good place to study, Jesus and this woman had a very informative conservation.